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About Reflections

We are a salon locally-owned business providing services including hair color, hair products, facials, waxing, skin beautifying treatment, make ups and more. At our Salon, while being pampered and relaxed, you receive cutting-edge, customized services and products to improve the appearance of your body and skin.


We provide a wide variety of spa treatments ranging from body massage to spa facials and anti-aging treatments. The spa also specializes in correcting advanced skin problems leaving you with a polished, cared-for look that will make you feel better right away.



Our staff is friendly, knowledgeable and they have a passion for what they specialize in, great day spa services. The owner took special pride when designing the salon. We are an education-driven salon in an ever-changing industry.



We are committed to providing you with an atmosphere where you feel at home the moment you walk through the door. Our focus on customer service is key to our continued success and service philosophy.



At our salon all our services are individually priced, so you can choose exactly those services you want. Get great cuts, styling, color and perms at very reasonable prices. Plus nail care by specialists and a large selection of top-name, professional hair care products.


Peel for the body

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Illuminate tired eyes

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Expedite toxin drainage

Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostru exercitationem ullam corporis laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur

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